MModal Fluency Direct Speech Commands Cheat Sheet MModal Building Text Commands with Fields Cheat Sheet MModal Modifying Dictionary Pronunciation Cheat Sheet MModal Voice Enabling Epic Smart Phrase Cheat Sheet MModal Mobile Mic Cheat Sheet. Find the patient fact sheets on the AUGS website 2.
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- me - my name - mephone - Silly_Sally_RN can be reached at I then fill in my phone number - td - todays date - vitals or something very similar but I cant recall what it is for sure - gives you the last set or few sets of vitals in a table.

Epic smart phrase cheat sheet. The account you used to pay. Can be used to share order details sign. Find the patient fact sheets on the AUGS website 2.
Tips for Adding Patient Fact Sheets into EPIC as a Dot Phrase Using a Windows Based PC 1. Enter the users name to view their phrases. Epic is a cloud-based patient and healthcare management software used in hospitals.
Highlight the desired SmartPhrase. For example typing hpipneu and selecting the HPIPNEUMONIAGEN SmartPhrase expands to an HPI template for pneumonia. Epic smart phrases cheat sheet.
Medicalschool Also if there are any phrases you use frequently eg. Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile app. Write patient instructions in the Patient Instructions section see Smart Phrases below 14.
For the physical exam in Objective each system as a Smart Phrase for example. General Patient appears well in no apparent distress alert oriented. Sharing your Phrase To share your phrase with another user highlight the desired phrase click the share.
Then find the relevant tip sheets on the Tips and Tricks page. Search for specific links or phrases. Epics application designed to centralize the workflows for case managers Infection Control Epics module for identifying and monitoring patients at risk for infection.
Print the After-Visit Summary AVS and hand it directly to the patient MAKING YOUR ENCOUNTER MORE EFFICIENT Order items on the left hand column for better function during all encounters. Tips for Adding Patient Fact Sheets into EPIC as a Dot Phrase Using a Windows Based PC 1. Normal physical exam you can put that into a smart phrase and then just put that in every note and edit the To find phrases and links you can.
Click the Share icon on the toolbar. Once the fact sheet is open minimize the zoom until it fits onto a single page screen shot 4. Here are some of the dot phrases I use.
Epic has an excel spreadsheet of all system smartlinks you can find it on their website. Click on the fact sheet you desire to make into a smart phrase you must do one at a time 3. The users smart phrases will display 4.
These smart notes templates form a solid backbone and allow you to customize and tweak them to meet your specific needs. In a SmartTool-enabled field enter a period followed by the SmartPhrases name. Highlight the desired SmartPhrase.
SmartPhrases allow you to type a few characters that automatically expand to a longer phrase paragraph or template. Smartphrases smartlinks smartlists smart setsetc. Now you can create your phrase in the text box and enter your Smart Phrase Name.
To purchase an EPIC smart note template make a payment of 50 per note template into my PayPal account. A new Personalize button on the Epic toolbar helps tailor SmartPhrases order sets and preference lists. MMC BPA Scan Keep using it to meet your quality measures.
The users smart phrases will display 4. The SuperPhrase file is separated into logical. Refer to this Personalization Guide to find a list of tip sheets for personalizing what you use frequently.
EPIC tips and tricks. Click on the fact sheet you desire to make into a smart phrase you must do one at a time 3. For Smart Serve Cheat Sheet PDF Details you can get it easily in this portal.
When recording the history if youre not using Dragon use SmartPhrases for common things to save time such as w with co complains of ha headache. OrdersCPOE Epics application for the ordering of workflows of inpatient orders. To the Smart Phrase Editor.
Download Smart Serve Cheat Sheet PDF Ebook on PDF Bank with Freely. EPIC Smart Phrases - docsharetips Not sure how long that will stay up but there are a lot of dot phrases listed there. Click the open folder on the top tool bar.
SmartLinks can be inserted into users notes on the fly with a dot or period likeNAME to enter the patients name or added to SmartPhrases and SmartTexts by placing it between symbols like NAME. SmartlinksExamples Here are some new additions. Your name will display in the users column.
A SmartLink is a piece of dynamic code in Epic that enables a different message or text to display based on the evaluation of certain criteria. Smart tools deeper dive. Various charting tools such as SmartPhrases Smart-Links SmartText and SmartSets.
Enter the users name to view their phrases. Use the Filter tab to select the SmartTools you want to see. EPIC Class 3 Topics.
In addition to web-based application Epic also has native apps for iOS and Android. For convenience the term physician is generally used rather than clinician or provider Equally for convenience the terms Phrase and SmartPhrase are interchanged. Ieradiology meds taking etc.
Download Smart Serve Cheat Sheet PDF Subject. I use this when I write a note about a Rapid Response. Once the fact sheet is open minimize the zoom until it fits onto a single page screen shot 4.
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